All Posts Tagged With: "mont st michel"

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Bicycle Gourmet,s Gourmet Rant

French Gourmet. Is there any other kind? Any other possible adjective? Do not “French” and “Gourmet” go together like bread ‘n butter?, like salt ‘n pepper? And more importantly, like wine and cheese?

14Jan2021 | | 23 comments | Continued
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Covid French Friday

  Covid French Friday, is, as you will understand, pretty much the same for the French people as for the rest of the Western World. They endure virus-imposed restrictions like social distancing, and irregular hours of certain business and their justly loved French restaurants. But the Covid Virus in France, as difficult as it if […]

25Sep2020 | | 0 comments | Continued
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French Revolution – France is Revolting

French Revolution – France is Revolting. And it’ s not the first time. As you are no doubt well aware. In the first French Revolution, many people lost their heads, in a revolt that started over the shortage of bread. A “selective” one. As there was plently to go around for the Royals. (Suprise, suprise.) […]

17Jan2020 | | 8 comments | Continued