All Posts Tagged With: "mont st michel"
Live French Saints – Part Two
Author’s note : PART ONE of this gripping opus may be insightful/interesting/inspirational/revelatory…or not. One of my great unhearlded talents is the ability to arrive just before the meal. (Be it lunch or dinner. As for breakfast – I’m already there.) Proof that this mojo is unconscious is the fact that after sufficiently drooling […]
21Sep2018 | Bicycle Gourmet | 29 comments | ContinuedLive French Saints – part one
French Country Travel Life Saints are everywhere here. Down every obscure byway. In villages and cities. Always ready willing and able to effortlessly shower you with their self-less help and hospitality. As you would expect, I’ve met many in my zillion and a half years of surfing the French Country Backroads. But […]
14Sep2018 | Bicycle Gourmet | 34 comments | ContinuedFrench Stays
French Travel Finds. Exceptional French Places To Stay. French Country Travel Life Guide. French Country Travel Life Expert. French Travel life Advisor. French Travel Life Tipster. French words and phrases that all relate to? Yes, clever you, yours unruly, the Bicycle Gourmet While I have been called almost all of the above (and other names […]
27Jul2018 | Bicycle Gourmet | 26 comments | Continued