All Posts Tagged With: "french travel suggestions"
French Travel Essentials
“Blessed is he with no expectations… for he shall never be disappointed.” – America’s first French ambassador- (Benjamin Franklin) While I agree with Oscar Wilde’s observation – “Only a fool lives by slogans”–there are some wise words of dead people (like Ben and Oscar, fer instance) that can help us wake up and smell the […]
14Aug2010 | Bicycle Gourmet | 2 comments | ContinuedFrench Travel – Part Two
More good news… All trains, TGV and TER are 99% on time. And, I’ve found the “trainpersons”(with very few exceptions) to be extremely helpful and courteous. In major stations, someone(maybe even some two)will speak English. Otherwise, someone may speak “a leetle eeeglish.” 6. Bus In three words – “Don’t go there.” There is no French […]
11Jun2010 | Bicycle Gourmet | 5 comments | Continued