All Posts Tagged With: "french recipes"

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French Country Travel Life – Made in France?

    French Country Travel Life – Made in France? You would think, right? But so much of  French Country Life(and it’s City cousins’) is imported. And not just the obvious stuff like Music and Movies. While there are, obviously French Supermarket Chains, We have two Giant German “discount” outlets that are not only in France, […]

26Mar2014 | | 9 comments | Continued
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Why Take A French Photo Workshop Course in 2014?

    Why Take A French Photo Workshop Course in 2014?  Well..first of all it can’t help but be a lotta fun right? (and isn’t that one of the best reasons for doing anything?) But beyond that, the other obvious dividend is that you will retrun home with  incredible images you would otherwise not have […]

22Jan2014 | | 15 comments | Continued
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Photography Course Workshop France 2014

Want to improve your photography and Take Better Pictures  in a country rich in senic beauty and History while enjoying great food and wine? Then you’re in the right place! – because for the first time in 3 years Photographer, Film Maker Author Christopher Strong – the “Bicycle Gourmet” (you non-snobby guide to all things […]

1Jan2014 | | 12 comments | Continued