All Posts Tagged With: "french recipes"

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French Country Travel Life Grinch – Part One

    The French Country Travel Life Grinch – wasn’t really a grinch. Although that’s what he seemed to be at first glance. But like many first glance encounters DA BG has experienced “grinchdom” was a very false first impression. (yes – there WILL be a moral to this tale) Strangely – I have no memory […]

7Aug2014 | | 0 comments | Continued
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French Country Travel Life Gremlins

  French Country Travel Life Gremlins. They’re real. Not”flesh n’ blood” real – but sand in yer oyster” real. And they will put that sand in your particular oyster at any time. For any Reason. And there is diddly you can do about it. I know. Because I have been “gremlinated” several times by them […]

2Jun2014 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Bicycle Gourmet’s Lavender Photo Course Workshop 2014

  Bicycle Gourmet’s Lavender Photo Course Workshop 2014…is full. Complete. Stuffed to the brim. With happy snappers. Who will be joinin’ DA BG to enhale(and that is the right word) the wonders of the emergence of Lavender  on the French Country Travel Life Backroads this here June. But, do not, repeat do not shed any tears […]

28Apr2014 | | 10 comments | Continued