All Posts Tagged With: "french recipes"

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French Country Travel Life Chateaux History Lesson

  The French Country Travel Life Chateaux History Lesson went down yesterday. And the day before. And you missed it! That is, unless you WERE lucky enough to be here. Because the French Country Travel Life Chateaux History Lesson only shows it’s Historical face once a year. And, DA BG’s  marvy title notwithstanding it’s not ONLY […]

22Sep2014 | | 23 comments | Continued
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French Country Travel Life Irish

    French Country Travel Life Irish – yes ineedy! I did say “Irish”  because as DA BG has done informed you many a time….it’s always the “‘non-natives” that most appreciate what the locals take for granted. Case in point – my fellow (Irish) scribbler  Elgy Gillespie   who has some down on the ground observations […]

18Aug2014 | | 5 comments | Continued
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French Country Travel Life Grinch – Part Two

  French Country Travel Life Grinch – Part Two might make more sense if you first check out PART ONE.  As I got closer something happened that I wasn’t expecting. (You’re ahead of me again – right?) Exactly. My last chance for water looked MORE like the Bates Motel. Now you’re probably expecting me to […]

11Aug2014 | | 3 comments | Continued