All Posts Tagged With: "french recipes"

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French Country Travel Life New Years

1Jan2015 | | 0 comments | Continued
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French Country Travel Life Loire Wine Lowdown

    The vineyards of Sancerre in the Loire Valley Julian Elliott Ethereal Light The  French Country Travel Life Loire Wine Lowdown was hinted at  in my last post…or rather my last post by a guest scribbler…the beautiful, talented and ever chic Karen Schwartz. Therein, DA BG detailed the two major wine varieties of the ab/fab […]

30Sep2014 | | 24 comments | Continued
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French Country Travel Life Loire Bicycle Adventure

  The French Country Travel Life Loire Bicycle Adventure can be yours. Assuming, bien sur, you ARE in the fantastic, ab/fab Loire valley. One of  DA BG’s  fav cruisin’ spots. Famous, as you surely recall, for it’s wine. Noteably – Touraine(Gamay grape) and Chinon and Samur Champigny (Cabernet Franc grape) and dontcha be forgettin’ them there […]

26Sep2014 | | 20 comments | Continued