All Posts Tagged With: "french recipes"

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Best French Photo Workshop 2015

  Best French Photo Workshop 2015 – BG’s Cycling Photo Holiday Tour de France Course Workshop? Is it me? The holiest of French Photo holies, Am I to be anointed the ultimate guide to froggie photo ops? Only time will tell, right? But since modesty prevents me from blowing my own horn, if you click […]

11Apr2015 | | 0 comments | Continued
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Why Bicycle Gourmet’s French Photo Workshop 2015?

  Why Bicycle Gourmet’s French Photo Workshop 2015? What photo lessons can you get from DA BG’s Photography Classes that you could’nt get elsewhere?  That might be the better question. n’est ce pas? Well, (delicately ,blowing my own horn, in a word: Experience. Consider a few facts that will get you on my “been there-done […]

24Mar2015 | | 18 comments | Continued
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Bicycle Gourmet’s Tour de France French Photo Course Workshop 2015

  Bicycle Gourmet’s Tour de France French Photo  Course Workshop 2015  –  has Limited Availibilities in August and September. May/June/July – SOLD OUT! Here’s da Skinny: Transportation for all workshops  is by BICYCLE. (Provided. You provide the lock) so…DON’T sign up for  if you have knee, back or heart problems. Non photographic partners are welcome. (There is no […]

9Mar2015 | | 17 comments | Continued