All Posts Tagged With: "french recipes"

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Da Bg’s French Country Travel Life Clock

Da Bg’s French Country Travel Life Clock – ain’t really mine. But without me telling you -you’d never know would you? And Da Bg is tellin’ you, because in all my zillion year  and a half years of French Country Travel Life Adventures – I’ve never seen anything even remotely close to the“Horologe (clock) Astronomique […]

28May2015 | | 6 comments | Continued
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Forbes, Da BG and le Tour de France

  Forbes, Da BG and le Tour de France.  Photo ops. Landscape, Nature, travel. Bien sur! Only natural Da Bg should have an interest here, n’est ce pas? but what about Forbes? Chroniclers of all things business and dollars. What connection could there possibly be here? Forbes Scribbler  Jim Basingame has da answer: 1. Team […]

26May2015 | | 5 comments | Continued
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Tour de France Photos 2015

  Tour de France Photos 2015 ! Travel photos. Landscape photos. Nature Photos. Taken by YOU. With DA BG à cote. Yes, it’s your very own personal Tour de France Photo Holiday, complete with French Wine, French Gourmet Food, French History ,unbelieveble photo ops, and best of all, many memorable meetings with the fine folks […]

15May2015 | | 0 comments | Continued