All Posts Tagged With: "french recipes"

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Tour de France News 2015

  Tour de France News 2015 – Why hasn’t DA BG, French Cycling Gourmet non snobby guide to all things French given you any? Well – other than the obvious(and logical answer) – that being that Le Tour is in the World’s eyeballs thanks to a multitude of media more powerful (and perhaps insightful) than any […]

11Jul2015 | | 17 comments | Continued
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French Country Travel Life Cruises

    French Country Travel Life Cruises – You can have one on a multitude of waterways. As you’ve probably suspected. all depending on how long you have, and your, ahem..shall we say:”boating style?” Perhaps best known – the Loire – France’s longest river, former Number one cargo route for transporting everything to villages along, […]

5Jul2015 | | 15 comments | Continued
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French Country Travelling Wine

French Country Traveling Wine – well,bien sur, MANY French Wines travel. Do they not? Thanks to the well deserved reputation of the fermented grape juice available on these here shores. (Uh..that would be..DA BG shores?) But I thought it might be instructive to share the tale of one such French Country Travelling Wine, that has […]

4Jun2015 | | 5 comments | Continued