All Posts Tagged With: "french recipes"

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Paul Cezanne – Impressionist Influencer

  French Country Travel Life Artist. Monet. Sisley. Pissarro. Francoise Cariou. And, of course, Cezanne. While all French Artists had a singular contribution to make, Paul Cezanne’s was one of the most unique and significant; in that he was the bridge between Impressionisim and the Post-Impressionists. So great was his influence on other artists that Picasso and […]

26Dec2017 | | 21 comments | Continued
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Bicycle Gourmet 2017 – New Years Wish

Bicycle Gourmet 2017 – New Years Wish If it’s true that a picture is worth a thousand words – then this one has an uncountable amount – Make it your Mantra for this, and all years (If you haven’t already.) THROW ME A BONE HERE, PEOPLE What are ya thinkin’?

2Jan2017 | | 9 comments | Continued
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Bicycle Gourmet’s 2016 Message

  Bicycle Gourmet’s 2016 a simple one. Not original. Not profound. But absolutely essential. Especially in these challenging times. “Let’s hope it’s a good one….without any fear.”                                                    – John  Lennon […]

1Jan2016 | | 15 comments | Continued