All Posts Tagged With: "french recipes"

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Live French Saints – Part Three

      Authors Note : Although I can’t promise – PART ONE  and/or TWO  could add to your enjoyment/interest/understanding of  this missive.   While DA BG’S “raison d’etre is always to film his memorable meetings with marvellous people(like the Toussaints) – this voyage he was also on a photographic mission. The subject: Ruined Chateaus. When […]

28Sep2018 | | 31 comments | Continued
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Live French Saints – Part Two

    Author’s note : PART ONE of this gripping opus may be insightful/interesting/inspirational/revelatory…or not. One of my great unhearlded talents is the ability to arrive just before the meal. (Be it lunch or dinner. As for breakfast – I’m already there.) Proof that this mojo is unconscious is the fact that after sufficiently drooling […]

21Sep2018 | | 29 comments | Continued
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Live French Saints – part one

      French Country Travel Life Saints are everywhere here. Down every obscure byway. In villages and cities. Always ready willing and able to effortlessly shower you with their self-less help and hospitality. As you would expect, I’ve met many in my zillion and a half years of surfing the French Country Backroads. But […]

14Sep2018 | | 34 comments | Continued