All Posts Tagged With: "french cycling bicycle gourmet"
French Country Life Confidental – Part One
French Country Elegance She was beyond elegant. Immaculately coiffed. Exquisitely tailored. Equally “prêt” for shopping on the Champs Elysee, or a stroll through the Bois du Bologne. Her dancers body arcing delicate,repetitive motions with effortless grace. As I crossed the courtyard,our eyes met. She fixed me with an impersonal frown. Then, scraping her rake along the […]
14Nov2011 | Bicycle Gourmet | 10 comments | ContinuedFrench Baby Fiesta
Having received an “ A “ for my ceramic alligator in High School art class(So good my Mother never believed I made it !) and able to change guitar strings unaided, it did occur to me that a film destined for a predominately English speaking market, should present a majority of English speakers. So, in a Provencal village, […]
29Oct2011 | Bicycle Gourmet | 15 comments | ContinuedDSK – Strike Three?
(Authors Note : “Smileys” in this post were inserted mysteriously and automatically by WordPress. Please ignore them.) Meet Mr. Speilberg Imagine for a moment you’re a struggling screenwriter. Navigating the maze of illusions, heartbreak, and “have a nice day” smiles that is Hollywood. Waiting tables by day. Writing by night. Then, one day(and […]
24Oct2011 | Bicycle Gourmet | 22 comments | Continued