All Posts Tagged With: "french cycling bicycle gourmet"
Irish Gourmet Chows Down In France
Irish Gourmet Chows Down In France. Yes, dear reader, a shocking headline to say the least. What connection you may well ask does Irish food have with anything gourmet? The short, and honest answer, is, bien sur, none. But since my last post dealt with an Irishman’s contribution to the French Cognac industy, I […]
6May2012 | Bicycle Gourmet | 34 comments | ContinuedFrench Love Story – Part Three
(Authors Note : Part One and Two could be instructive) By Early September it was clear the Indians were not going to let us have their Summer. Fall was prancing impatiently in the wings. And Michelle and I were too far apart.She visiting friends in the mountains, and I scrambling after French sunbeams before they began […]
19Mar2012 | Bicycle Gourmet | 15 comments | ContinuedFrench Pawn Shop Bank
In my last post, I took you on a video tour of Claude Monet’s gardens in Giverny. As you’re well aware, in addition to his fame after death, ‘ole Claude was famous while he was alive! A happy condition not shared by the majority of his Impressionist pals. (Sisley comes particularly to mind.) Fame, of […]
27Feb2012 | Bicycle Gourmet | 37 comments | Continued