All Posts Tagged With: "french cuisine"

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French Toasted

Scholars and popular opinion(now there’s a combination) would have us believe that the principal religion of France is Catholicism. The scholars citing numerous and detailed statistics. The number of Churches. Priests. History. Religious Holidays. Not to mention the fact that every day on the French Calendar celebrates a different Saint. Popular opinion, as always, sagely […]

4Jun2011 | | 5 comments | Continued
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French Cuisine – Bio?

While French Cuisine has always been fresh, (it’s major “secret”), and is often “organic”, nowadays it as ascended to “bio.” Short for “biodynamic.” As in grown according to biodynamic methods So what exactly, you  may well ask, are ‘biodynamic methods? And how do they differ from “organic methods?” To paraphrase a famous  line from Groucho […]

31Mar2011 | | 8 comments | Continued
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French Wine Treasure Bonus

French Wine Treasure BONUS…  what  could that possibly be? After all the up close ‘n personal, been there-done that- wine info I’ve already sent your way? WWWWell……it’s something so up close ‘n personal…..I never imagined I’d be sharing it……UNTIL I’d done it. But, Life, as you know all too well dear reader, as a way […]

25Mar2011 | | 0 comments | Continued