All Posts Tagged With: "french country life"

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French Travel Country life Dreaming

French Travel Country Life Dreaming is what I do. As my regular readers are well aware. And I suspect that their French travels, or dreams about them, is what contributes to them being faithful followers of DA BG. They will be the first to tell you that my French Cycling Gourmet gig isn’t always a […]

11Dec2011 | | 7 comments | Continued
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French Baby Fiesta

Having received an “ A “ for my ceramic alligator in High School art class(So good my Mother never believed I made it !) and able to change guitar strings unaided, it did occur to me that a film destined for a predominately English speaking market, should present a majority of English speakers. So, in a Provencal village, […]

29Oct2011 | | 15 comments | Continued
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French Country Lifestyle

One Size Does Not Fit All Just as there is no one “right way” to live, there is no single “French Country Lifestyle.” Although the DREAM of one(and dreams ARE good) may be. Whether yours is  sipping pastis in the local cafe, lazy long lunches under shady trees, or sequestered in the Pyrennes  gazing alternately […]

17Oct2011 | | 12 comments | Continued