All Posts Tagged With: "french bordeaux wine"
French Bio Wine Film
In my LAST POST, and the PREVIOUS ONE, the subject was French Biodynamic Wine. And so, as I seem to be(unintentionally) “on a roll” – this time around its the French Bio Wine Film Story. And it’s about time. We hear and read much about the growing transformation of more and more French vineyards […]
6Apr2012 | Bicycle Gourmet | 5 comments | ContinuedFrench Country Life Confidental – Part One
French Country Elegance She was beyond elegant. Immaculately coiffed. Exquisitely tailored. Equally “prêt” for shopping on the Champs Elysee, or a stroll through the Bois du Bologne. Her dancers body arcing delicate,repetitive motions with effortless grace. As I crossed the courtyard,our eyes met. She fixed me with an impersonal frown. Then, scraping her rake along the […]
14Nov2011 | Bicycle Gourmet | 10 comments | ContinuedFrench Wine – Leaving The Vine
Granted a catchy but not totally accurate title. Of course it’s the grapes leaving the vine. Who will later become wine. And this is the moment they begin their journey. The French Wine Harvest – “Le Vendange”, like all events agricultural, marches to the drummer of the seasons in each region. The obvious leaders in […]
12Sep2011 | Bicycle Gourmet | 14 comments | Continued