All Posts Tagged With: "eiffel tower"
French Country Life Confidental – Part Two
(Author’s Note : reading Part One – could be instructive.) All My Children The cast o’ characters at Chez Rene was as unique as the building they inhabited. (Think French soap opera.) First up – Rene. A gentleman (like his Sister) “of a certain age”, with Adult children from his first marriage. […]
18Nov2011 | Bicycle Gourmet | 4 comments | ContinuedFrench Country Life Confidental – Part One
French Country Elegance She was beyond elegant. Immaculately coiffed. Exquisitely tailored. Equally “prêt” for shopping on the Champs Elysee, or a stroll through the Bois du Bologne. Her dancers body arcing delicate,repetitive motions with effortless grace. As I crossed the courtyard,our eyes met. She fixed me with an impersonal frown. Then, scraping her rake along the […]
14Nov2011 | Bicycle Gourmet | 10 comments | ContinuedFrench Country Village Artists
There are many reasons to visit France. All of them good. Most of them obvious. Wine. Gourmet food. Rich History. Incredible scenery. Varied climate. Laid back lifestyle. (In the countryside, bien sur!) Not the least among the magnetic attractions of “la Belle France” are it’s artists. Yes, I know you’re familiar with all the big […]
13Aug2011 | Bicycle Gourmet | 9 comments | Continued