All Posts Tagged With: "chennonnceau"
The DSK Blackberry Mystery
The DSK BlackBerry Mystery has not been solved. And, odds are, it never will be. Which is sad, because it’s one of the best. And who doesn’t love a good mystery now and then? (hint : DA BG do!) Practically no-body, if we believe the statistics. (Those figures that never lie, except when quoted/created […]
6Oct2012 | Bicycle Gourmet | 16 comments | ContinuedFrench Country Travel Life Wino
French Country Travel Life is full of Winos. The “drinking it “variety and the “makin’ it” kind. As you travel through the French Country backroads, you get the impression there just might be more winemakers than wine drinkers! I can tell ya DA BG does. But, whatever the reality, it’s safe to say that […]
1Oct2012 | Bicycle Gourmet | 17 comments | ContinuedFrench Country Travel Life Wine Miracle
A French Country Travel Life Wine Miracle? – You betcha. There are many. But this one is in a class by itself. As you well know, the majority of those who love wine prize the older varities. This is the classic “good news” -bad news” scenario. The good, depending on the quality of the cork. The […]
24Sep2012 | Bicycle Gourmet | 11 comments | Continued