All Posts Tagged With: "backroads"
Christopher Strong Bicycle Gourmets -Mothers Day USA
Christopher Strong Bicycle Gourmets -Mothers Day USA Mothers Day in those excited states is not the same as Mother’s Day in la belle France. We celebrate the Day for our Mothers in France toward the end of May. But,of course, the sentiment is International. And while we remember our Mothers differently, depending on their […]
4May2022 | Bicycle Gourmet | 0 comments | ContinuedChristopher Strong Bicycle Gourmet – Cancels 2022 Photo Tour
Christopher Strong Bicycle Gourmet – Cancels 2022 Photo Tour There’s an old saying:”A man’s reach must always exceed his grasp – or what’s a heaven for?“Inspirational stuff that. There’s also another saying: “Don’t bite off more than your can chew.” And don’t you find that the majority of your confusions,anxieties, shattered dreams and other blue […]
23Mar2022 | Bicycle Gourmet | 0 comments | ContinuedBackroads – Christopher Strong Bicycle Gourmet
Christopher Strong Bicycle Gourmet – Backroads really happened by accident. It all started when I decided to take Paul Simon’s advice – “drop off the key Lee, and get yourself free.” Ok – I wasn’t exactly chained to my life as a film-maker/photographer in San Francisco. But, like most folks from “over there” I […]
1Feb2022 | Bicycle Gourmet | 0 comments | Continued