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Da Bg’s French Country Travel Life Clock

Image result for clock of beauvais

Da Bg’s French Country Travel Life Clock – ain’t really mine. But without me telling you -you’d never know would you?

And Da Bg is tellin’ you, because in all my zillion year  and a half years of French Country Travel Life Adventures – I’ve never seen anything even remotely close to theHorologe (clock) Astronomique du Beauvais.”

This magnificent momument to French precision machinery was created between 1865 and 1868 by Lucien August Véritie inside the Cathederal of St Peter in the Village of Beauvais.

Wikipedia has the fascinating details:

“It is 12 metres high, and 6 metres wide.

The 52 dials display the times of the rising and setting sun and moon, the position of the planets, the current time in 18 cities around the world, and the tidal times. The clock also displays the pact(i.e. age of the moon in days on January 1) and the golden number.

The hours and minutes are shown in the large central face which depicts Jesus Christ and the twelve apostles.

An 1886 edition of Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine remarks that: “In the eyes of the neighbourhood the chief wonder of Beauvais is not the cathedral, but the astronomical clock…The mechanical part is admirable. It tells everything which any one can wish to know.”

And that (and THIS VIDEO) is today’s really short (but really unique) French History Lesson.




What are ya thinkin’?

Forbes, Da BG and le Tour de France



Forbes, Da BG and le Tour de France.  Photo ops. Landscape, Nature, travel. Bien sur!

Only natural Da Bg should have an interest here, n’est ce pas? but what about Forbes? Chroniclers of all things business and dollars. What connection could there possibly be here?

Forbes Scribbler  Jim Basingame has da answer:

1. Team  structure

Tour participants are part of 22 sponsored teams of about 25 members, and each have individual roles to play. Some members are supportive non-riders and some are riders whose primary role is to protect and push their leader. But all work together to meet team performance goals, including getting their leader on the podium at the end of the day or the end of the race. Sounds a lot like a small business, doesn’t it?

Since every day in a small business can be like a mountain stage on the Tour—peaks and valleys—success requires the ability to motivate your team to work together effectively. A smart leader knows that sustaining successful teamwork requires sharing the recognition so the team doesn’t mind if you’re the one on the podium.

2008 Tour de France – Stage Twenty One2. Communication
Competing in the Tour is like running 21 marathons in 23 days while simultaneously playing a chess match. So each team member has to understand his role in the overall strategy.

Even if you have the best business strategy in the world it must be communicated to your small business team so every member understands their role in the organization’s plan to achieve success.

3. Preparation
All you have to do is watch a Tour de France cyclist in a mountain stage to see successful preparation. These guys have turned their bodies into human spring steel as they become one with their bikes.
The small business equivalent is to learn as much as you can about operating your business, your industry, the competition, and especially, your customers. Since your team also needs to know these things, prepare them by investing in training and practice.

4. Technology
Tour de France teams certainly leverage technology, including high-tech bikes, customized chase vehicles, on-course communication tools, etc.

Read More HERE:


What are ya thinkin’?

Tour de France Route 2015



Tour de France Route 2015 – Travel photos,Landscape Photos,Nature photos, plus Gourmet French Food – and no crowds of  speeding cyclists!

as you glide through those French Country Backroads with DA BG.

That’s your own personal Tour de France. Laid back. Leisurely.Turtle speed. Not tortoise. Savoring all the treasures France has to offer. Photo opps around every corner!

That’s the good news. The Bad: My photo dance card is almost full. So if you want the up close n’ personal French Country Travel Life experience only DA BG can give ya…..now’s the last chance to GET ON BOARD.

And (from what’s still available) choose your own personal Tour de France Route 2015.

Throw Me a Bone Here, People!

What are ya thinkin’?