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Donald Trump Was Right!


trump making america grate

Donald Trump was right. The system is rigged. And that’s making it hard for me. Because as the un-appointed expert on all things wild weird, wacky and way out in the Excited States of Paranoia, I’m expected to decipher, explain, and educate.

Being a “one froggie- one vote” Nation – it was a stretch for my French posse to get their heads around the concept of the Electoral College.(Example : Wisconson has four votes.)

More challenging still was the news that Electoral College votes are not, technically, votes. But promises to vote. And that Electors, come inauguration day, can change their vote.

But the real brain twister was my revelation that if an Elector decides to do just that, he/she/it can be: replaced by another who’ll vote “the right way”, fined/and/or sent to jail/and/or(as has happened) receive death threats. (That’s Demoncracy in action – n’est ce pas?)

My froggie chorus chanted: “Mon Dieu!”

Bizarre as that bitter pill was, the worst was yet to come. When I explained that the intent of Alexander Hamilton and his slave owner Bros. (DBA/ “The Founding Fathers”) in creating the Electoral College was to prevent a candidate “unfit” for the office from becoming President, their reaction was: “C’est complétement fou!” (It’s completely crazy!)

The impression I got is that the French(along with a few million others)think that a President-Elect who is not only sexist, but, by his own words, a sexual predator, in addition to being a racist, lying, dishonest, manipulative,narcissistic meglomaniac with the intelligence of an omeba, perfectly fits the Founding Fathers definition of “unfit.”

They also seem to feel that someone who, before the election proclaimed that the Electoral College was: “A disaster for Democracy” is, at best, a hypocrite. (Albiet one who was correct – though not in the sense he intended)

Of course I don’t blame the President Elect for my deciphering difficulties. And, if he knew, he wouldn’t have time to help. What with tweeting his attackers, deciding on the Secret Service rent(they’ll be living “in the tower”) and exchanging bon mots with Comrade Putin – how does he even find time to get his hair done?

During the election campaign, Actor Robert de Niro had some explosive comments about “The Donald.” One being : “I’d like to punch him in the face.”

Christmas is coming Bob. Does Santa have your wish list?

What are ya Thinkin’?

Bicycle Gourmets Tour de France French Photo Course Workshop


Best Photo Workshop France 2016, Photography Workshops France 2016,Best French Photo Holiday Workshop,French Photo Holiday Workshop Courses,French Photo Workshop Vacations,Tour de France Photo Workshop,Digital Holiday Workshops France….

By whatever name you want to call it – it’s off the table! Filled to the brim. With eager snappers who’ve snapped up all the available spots.

But – not to shed those crocodile tears yet if you were too late/busy/distracted to snag a spot.

Cancellations, while rare, DO happen. So if you’re jonesin’ to join DA BG’s French photo posse, be it in September, or next year, just scribble : “Sign me up for(September/Next year”) –  in the comments, and I’ll get back to ya. Personally even.


Throw Me a Bone here, People!
What are ya thinkin’?

Donald Trump – America’s Hitler

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "trump hitler salute at rally"


Donald Trump is America’s Hitler. Muslims and Mexicans are his “inferior races.” Making Americans, by his implication the “Master Race.”

I’m sadden ashamed, and embarassed that Donald Trump is America’s Hitler. Because as the resident American here, my European pals look to me to explain/translate/justify the “American Scene.” I tell them what I’m telling you. Donald Trump is America’s Hitler. Plain and simple.

In his rallys, he purposely excites and enflames people who you would hope would be resistant to demogoguery. Exorting them to raise their right arms in a confimatory salute. That’s America’s Hitler, folks.

Donald Trump wants to make America “great” again. Though he has yet to define what his vision of “greatness” is. More to the point – “Great” is an empty adjective. Ready willing and able to be populated with whatever “meaning” suits the moment.

Donald Trump is the ugly truth that H.L Mencken’s observation : “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people” applies equally to politics.

The worst possible “attributes” any Human being could have – I don’t have to list them, do I? – are front and center in America’s Hitler. Donald Trump. And his “talent”, is to bring out the worst in his audiences.

Donald Trump is a runaway train. With no Cargo. There is nothing in the “freight wagon.” Will Train Trump leave the tracks? Or arrive at it’s preferred destination?

That’s a question only the American people can answer. God bless America.


What are ya thunkin’?