French Travel
French Treasure
The greatest “Treasure of France” for me, are the French people.(and isn’t that true wherever you go?) It’s the people that make the place. And the French people have made France a place of genuine hospitality. And, no, contrary to popular folklore, they’re not arrogant.The word is – Proud. And with good reason. Neither are […]
1Feb2011 | Bicycle Gourmet | 1 comment | ContinuedFrench Flying Gourmet
I’ve always wanted to fly. And, my wild guess is that I’m probably not alone with this fantasy. Normally these “wisps ‘o wonder fade as you enter your teens. Then disappear completely into that dream-shattering state known as “adulthood.” But not mine.(Yes, dear reader, I am the Peter Pan of flying dreams!) I’m still gliding […]
25Jan2011 | Bicycle Gourmet | 4 comments | ContinuedFrench Travel Life Miracle
It will be obvious to my more sophisticated readers (“The Buttheads”) that it’s impossible for someone without deep pockets cycling fifty kms plus a day, four to five months a year to drop thirty euros or so per day for grub and a bed. So – How do I do it? Simple. I gots FAITH. […]
5Dec2010 | Bicycle Gourmet | 34 comments | Continued