French Travel

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French Riviera Vacation – Part One

French Rivieria vacation. On your “to do before I die list?” or “to die before I do?” If you checked option “A”, might be good to grok the place with a little more…uh…precision before ya start packing – n’est ce pas? Although practically the French Riviera is a state of mind(or the lack of one) […]

12Apr2011 | | 9 comments | Continued
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Silent French Treasure

French Hospitality,like any other,comes in two flavors: Personal and commercial.You will experience beaucoup of the personal in your daily interactions with the friendly froggies.But the commerical variety is a matter of personal taste and choice.One you’ll make according to your definition of “luxury.” Is it five star-antique furnished-sunken jaczucci-bedroom fireplace-three star restaurant-wi-fi-in-every-room? A cozy five […]

5Mar2011 | | 14 comments | Continued
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Secret French Treasure

Ok –  Maybe “secret”is stretching it a bit.  But it’s waaay off the usual “must see-don’t miss” tourist circuit. And for reasons that will become clear as you read on, it’s likely to stay that way. That, among other qualities is what makes “Oppede le Vieux’” one of my personal Treasures of France. For me,this […]

13Feb2011 | | 8 comments | Continued