French Travel
French Country Travel Life Gremlins
French Country Travel Life Gremlins. They’re real. Not”flesh n’ blood” real – but sand in yer oyster” real. And they will put that sand in your particular oyster at any time. For any Reason. And there is diddly you can do about it. I know. Because I have been “gremlinated” several times by them […]
2Jun2014 | Bicycle Gourmet | 0 comments | ContinuedWhy Take A French Photo Workshop Course in 2014?
Why Take A French Photo Workshop Course in 2014? Well..first of all it can’t help but be a lotta fun right? (and isn’t that one of the best reasons for doing anything?) But beyond that, the other obvious dividend is that you will retrun home with incredible images you would otherwise not have […]
22Jan2014 | Bicycle Gourmet | 15 comments | ContinuedFrench Country Travel Life Rustic Getaway
There is a French Country Travel Life Rustic Getaway that is, shall we say, “rustic” with a capital “R.” An “eco-friendly” with a capital “E.” No, it is not the tiny perfect village where DA BG lives. (I have electricity AND an indoor toilet.!) It is a (obviously) picturesque spot in the French countryside […]
3Sep2013 | Bicycle Gourmet | 4 comments | Continued