French History and Culture

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French Churches – part Three of Four

Monkshine No fine and fancy ramble through the cloisters of French Churchdom would be complete without a large tip o’ the glass to “The Booze Brothers. ” Those monks who  praise the Holy Spirit by brewin’ up a batch of spirits. “Bros ‘n Booze” is a tradition as old as monkdom itself. Plus,it’s only logical. Men, […]

23Oct2010 | | 7 comments | Continued
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French Churches – Part Two of Four

Cash ‘n Christ Although the Templars “raison d’etre” was to  bring their version of “Holiness” to the Holy Land, only 10% of the T-team actually wielded a sword. The other 15 to 20 thousand organized and maintained a European wide economic infrastructure. Which was, basically, the first bank. The Templar organization provided escrow services, as […]

18Oct2010 | | 7 comments | Continued
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French Churches – Part One of Four

French Churches – more of ‘em than French cheese. All over the freakin’ place! Cities. Villages large,medium and small. Even tiny “Hameaus”(a collection of houses with no commerce) you’ll find a small piece of stone celebrating the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Or all three. French Churches are not simply momuments to Religion, […]

13Oct2010 | | 11 comments | Continued