French Country Travel Life Wine Leavers
French Country Travel Life Wine Leavers that’s what French Wine Drinkers are. Leaving wine on the table. And NOT drinking it. According to those well known wine experts – The English. (Not by lack of hubris do they call their country “Great” Britian!) In their typical analytical-everything-can-be-reduced-to-statistics style, our English cousins have concluded […]
1Apr2013 | Bicycle Gourmet | 31 comments | ContinuedFrench Country Travel Life Wine Primer
This French Country Travel Life Wine Primer needs to start with what will be for some “etrangers” an “A HA” moment – the French are not arrogant. They’re proud. And one of their top (some – such as DA BG – would say -main) sources of pride, is their wine. Held in high esteem […]
13Mar2013 | Bicycle Gourmet | 27 comments | ContinuedFrench Country Travel Life Wine Online
French Country Travel Life Wine Online is becoming an increasing reality. It least for the ordering part of the process. There has yet to be a satisfactory(if any) “virtual tasting.” But, DA BG doesn’t doubt that somewhere, some digital wine nerd is crunching his O’s and 1’s trying to “make it so.” Yea, verily, […]
17Feb2013 | Bicycle Gourmet | 27 comments | Continued