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French Country Travel Life Southern Wine

  This variety of French Country Travel Life Southern Wine is way South. South of  Provence. South of Languedoc even. So far South, in fact, that it’s in Africa. The Northern part. Morocco, to be exact. If you thought (as DA BG did in a less educated epoch) that Wine wasn’t “on the menu” down […]

30Jun2013 | | 22 comments | Continued
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French Country Wine War

The French Country Wine War is a battle between Two countries. France and China. Or, more accurately (and DA BG is nothing if not accurate, n’est ce pas?) between Wine counterfeiters and those that produce the real McCoy. And, of course, the local powers that be.  Represented by the Men in blue below. While China is […]

13Jun2013 | | 21 comments | Continued
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French Wine Palace Bargain Bin

  The French Wine Palace Bargain Bin earlier this week, went down at the official residence of  President “I’m a happy Penguin” Francois Hollande. That monumental (not to mention Historical slice of spendy real estate known as the Elyseé Palace. The bargains were some of the more “celebrated” vintages from the Palace’s esteemed cellar. (And how […]

7Jun2013 | | 28 comments | Continued